At this past weekend’s West Coast Walk for Life, I got to think about the connection between the abortion issue and the marraige issue.  I have long thought that the life issues and the marriage issues are related, deeply connected at the philosophical level.  The handful of protestors made the connection with their little chant: “Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay: Right-wing Bigots, Go Away.”  (They do have a way with words, don’t they?  Deep thinkers, all.)  So, I am not going out on a limb when I say that for the most part, the same groups of people line up on both sides of the issue. Most everyone on their side would favor abortion and redefining marriage. Most everyone on our side would be pro-life and favor man-woman marriage. 

So what are some of the connections between the life issues and the marriage issues?  The Big Picture: each side has a vision of marriage, child-bearing, sex and love.  Their positions on the life and marriage issues flow from that larger vision.  The Political Picture: each side has a vision of the relationship of the individual, the state, and the family. The Strategic Picture: each side has their own view of what constitutes an appropriate strategy for acheiving change.

I’m still ruminating over these things, but expect to post more on them. stay tuned…