
Cohabiter with Regrets

Cohabiting is just as good as marriage, probably better. No one ever feels that they wasted years of their lives living with someone who was not a suitable marriage partner.


Dear Friend,

We have identified twelve categories of people who have been harmed by the Sexual Revolution. This questionnaire explores Cohabiters with Regrets. Use this checklist to see if you are a Victim of the Sexual Revolution.

Our goal here is not merely to identify Victims. The goal is to help the Victims become Survivors, and the Survivors to become Activists for positive change.

do You have regrets about Cohabiting?

  • Did you make a deliberate decision to move in with your Significant Other?
  • Did you drift into cohabitation, one weekend at a time, a few possessions at a time?
  • Did you believe that living together would be good preparation for marriage?
  • Did your Significant Other have the same idea about that as you did?
  • Did older people try to tell you that cohabiting would not be a good idea?
  • Did you dismiss their concerns as unrealistic or old-fashioned?
  • Did you often wonder whether the relationship was really stable?
  • Did you often wonder if your Significant Other was going to end the relationship?
  • Did you often wonder whether you ought to end the relationship?
  • Were there topics that were important to you that you felt were too difficult to bring up or talk about?
  • Did the two of you often go your own way, and spend your time separately?
  • Did you keep your finances separate?
  • Was that your idea or the other person’s?
  • Did you trust your Significant Other?
  • Did you wish for a deeper commitment than the other person seemed to want?
  • Did your Significant Other have sex or other forms of intimacy with someone else while you were living together?
  • Did you have sex or other forms of intimacy with someone else while you were living with your Significant Other?
  • Did your Significant Other ever do things that made you relieved that you were not married to them?
  • Do you feel as if you wasted your time living with this person?


If you ultimately married your Significant Other:

  • Do you feel that you have had to “unlearn” habits that the two of you acquired during your cohabitation period?
  • Have you or your Significant Other had difficulty trusting?
  • Did either of your parents express concern about getting married to this particular person?
  • Did either of your parents express concern about getting married at all?
  • Was it psychologically difficult for either of you to create joint bank accounts?
  • Do you feel that your situation as a Cohabiter with Regrets is socially invisible?

(This page helps complete Step 1We honestly Face and Embrace the Impact of the Sexual Revolution on our lives. If you are not familiar with the “7 Steps to Sexual Peace,” go here.)

Related Resources

If you are a Cohabiter with Regrets, you may benefit from these resources created or compiled by the Ruth Institute.

We are adding to our library of resources all the time. If you know of an organization that provides assistance to Cohabiters with Regrets, please share that information with us. Click here to submit a link. Or submit an article, podcast or video with helpful information for Cohabiters with Regrets.

DR J SHOW AUDIO: Cosmopolitan Lied to Make Money! Sue Ellen Browder Wrote For Cosmo and Tells the Story

Award-winning journalist Sue Ellen Browder has addressed members of the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, including the Today Show, Oprah, EWTN News Nightly, and Fox News. She has published hundreds of articles in many national magazines and newspapers, including Reader’s Digest, Woman’s Day, the National Catholic Register, and Cosmopolitan. As the author of Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement and Sex and the Catholic Feminist (both published by Ignatius), Sue Ellen has spoken at many pro-life conferences around the country, including the 2020 March for Life Conference and the Pro-Life Summit. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and Resources "She Wrote Fake News for Cosmopolitan and Now Regrets Misleading Women on Feminism,&quot, by Kelsey Bolar in the Daily Signal Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement, by Sue Ellen Browder (Amazon) Come to our Summit! ruthinstitute.org/summit-2020

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‘Ah-ha’ Moment about the Sexual Revolution

by Bill Dunn August 21, 2019, at Catholic365.com. Every once in a while, I have an “Ah-ha!” moment, when I read or hear something that really hits home. Recently I had such a moment when reading an essay by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, titled, “What do Jeffery Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and Theodore McCarrick have in common?” In the essay, Roback Morse explains that the philosophy of the sexual revolution provided those three high-profile predators the cover they needed to commit their crimes for so many years. The primary tenant of the sexual revolution is this: everyone has the right to unlimited, consequence-free sex. For over half a century now, our culture has embraced the idea that people are entitled to regular sexual activity that is child-free, disease-free, and emotional heartache-free. In other words, if it feels good, do it, and then walk away with no regrets. The problem is, this view of sex is not grounded in reality. Sex is not like eating a donut or having a glass of wine. It’s not a simple little pleasure. Sex is an intensely emotional and physical experience. It is not a trifle to be toyed with. The sexual revolution says people have the right to child-free sex. But when Nature says, “Um, excuse me, reality takes precedence over wishful thinking, and you are pregnant,” people suddenly declare that killing babies is “health care” in order to maintain the charade. In the meantime, the lives of over 60 million babies have been snuffed out here in the U.S. in the past five decades. The sexual revolution says people have the right to disease-free sex. But once again, Nature says, “Ha ha, nice try, but reality says otherwise.” Gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, and HIV continue to plague our country, and the anything-goes sexual cheerleaders scratch their heads and wonder why. The sexual revolution says people have the right to emotional heartache-free sex. However, the reality of the situation yet again overwhelms silly notions. The emotional aspect of sexual activity is even more powerful than the

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Cohabiting: Should you?

by Betsy Kerekes at Chastity Project The Catholic Church is so behind the times. What does it know? Things have changed. Everyone is living together

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